What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is widely recognised as a key part of the healthcare system, with its emphasis on a holistic or whole body approach in addition to a sound understanding of medical and scientific implications of the work. Chiropractic is a drugless and non-surgical form of health care. Chiropractors are concerned with the framework of bones and muscles that support the body (the musculoskeletal system) and the problems associated with it caused by accident, stress, lack of exercise, poor posture, illness and every day wear and tear.
What is McTimoney Chiropractic?
The McTimoney method of chiropractic was developed by chiropractor John McTimoney and like any form of chiropractic, the primary goal is to ensure joint mobility, function and alignment remain at optimum levels. McTimoney uses speed as the basis for effectiveness rather than force around the joint. It therefore does not usually create the “crack” or “popping” sound that some patients dislike. This technique is considered one of the gentlest forms of chiropractic care and therefore, makes it particularly suitable for people of all ages including infants, pregnant women and the elderly.