
New patient consultation £70 / 60mins

Existing patient follow up £48 / 30mins

 Spine check FREE / 15mins

Extended treatments are charged at new patient consultation prices.


What are the benefits of chiropractic?

Increased mobility – After events such as accidents, mobility may be reduced. Chiropractic care can help and support an individual in regaining their mobility and relieving pain. Chiropractors can advise on specific exercises to help with the road to recovery and movement.


Aids pain management – Chiropractic care is effective for pain relief for those suffering from moderate to severe pain.


Symptoms – Chiropractic does not treat only the symptoms, it seeks to identify the root cause so therefore your symptoms should be significantly improved if not resolved within 6-12 treatments.

Call/Text for advice or appointment

01260 609604 / 07706 085858  

24hr Cancellation charge applies.


   12pm – 7pm 


10am - 1pm